About LLI
“The LLI program and partnership with Virginia Tech is the crown jewel in our portfolio in the division of Outreach and International Affairs . . . The success of our Lifelong Learning program, in addition to our wonderful volunteers, has been our leaders in our unit, Continuing and Professional Education.”
~ Susan Short, Associate Vice President for Engagement
The Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) at Virginia Tech is a program of Continuing and Professional Education (CPE). LLI’s mission is to provide intellectual, cultural, and social experiences for curious adults 50 and older.
LLI relies on current and past Virginia Tech faculty and community members to provide the bulk of our outstanding programming content. Our many member volunteers provide the support needed to staff our Board of Directors and committees. (See LLI Bylaws.)
CPE provides logistical resources for program registration, credit card processing, room reservations, and program materials every term. CPE also provides staff to oversee the implementation of programming, working closely with volunteers.
Partnerships with Virginia Tech and with organizations in the NRV enrich our offerings, help us reach important audiences, and make our programs more affordable for members. Partners include our sustaining partners, Warm Hearth Retirement Community and Virginia Tech Outreach and International Affairs; and additional community partners that provide educational programming and services.

In 2024-25, the Lifelong Learning Institute celebrates its 10th Anniversary. Beginning in 2014 with a vision of what a vibrant lifelong learning community could be, LLI launched their first fall term with 15 courses and special events. In our anniversary year, we will present 124 courses, field trips, and special events, including special 10th anniversary events. See our catalog for full details.