Like its many LLI counterparts across the country, the Lifelong Learning Institute at Virginia Tech depends on volunteers who develop programming and deliver service to our participants. When you sign up for classes with LLI, you become a MEMBER. We need, want, and encourage members to volunteer to support the organization in a variety of ways depending on your interest and experience. Please consider volunteering.
How to Become a Volunteer
The Lifelong-Learning Institute at Virginia Tech thrives on the contributions of its volunteers. Please consider joining the ranks of those who contribute time, service, and expertise. Send a note with your interest to lifelonglearning@vt.edu.
Here are some ways to contribute:
TEACHING - We welcome your suggestions for courses, lectures, and programs. Send your ideas directly to the Program Committee Co-Chair, Nancy Metz (nmetz@vt.edu). We also invite you to teach a course in an area of your own expertise. Complete and submit the course or event proposal form.
INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT - We seek and train volunteers to serve as class assistants. Responsibilities may include distributing classroom information, setting up and restoring the room, introducing the instructor, and assisting with technology. Class assistants receive Zoom training to support online learning.
COMMITTEE WORK - We actively recruit new members to serve on our five LLI committees: Program Committee, Outreach Committee, Instructional Support Committee, Development, and Social Events Committee.
OCCASIONAL ASSISTANCE - We seek volunteers for a variety of tasks that do not require sustained commitment. Let us know, for example, if you have newsletter writing/editing skills, if you could take photographs of LLI events, drive a van for one of our field trips, or help out with classroom AV.
By their effort and talents, volunteers create the spirit and shape the experience of LLI. We look forward to welcoming newcomers into our vibrant community of support.