
“Anyone is welcome to teach. No level of expertise is required. If you have passion about a subject, you would be a great instructor or speaker for LLI.”
~ Molly McClintock, Member and Program Committee Co-Chair
LLI offers two terms per academic year: Fall (September-early December) and Spring (February-late April). Each term features a wide variety of programming, with something to appeal to just about everyone!
LLI courses are held both in-person and online. Some feature small interactive discussions, some nurture your creativity through hands-on learning, and some are lecture/presentations with a Q&A. Courses and lectures are taught or facilitated by volunteer instructors who have a passion for their subjects.
LLI fields trips are typically part or full day trips to learn about university research, visit local and regional museums and attractions, and to experience the beauty of our region.
Special events are a free member benefit, often held at Warm Hearth Village; or programs presented by LLI partners, like Moss Arts Center.
Webinars feature special guests, some at a great distance, some from Virginia Tech. Held via Zoom, webinars are a free member benefit.
LLI also works with Road Scholar to offer charter travel options. Past trips have included a tour of Broadway and a trip to Chincoteague and Assateague.
View the Catalog for a full listing of this term’s programs.
Watch a Preview of this term’s programs (coming January 21).
View Class Locations.
Interested in teaching a course for LLI? Or would you like help in planning a course? Visit the Instructors section of our website for proposal forms and more information on teaching and preparing for course instruction.

Did you know that Virginia residents 60+ can audit college classes at any of the public colleges in the region for free on a space available basis?