Hands-on Learning for Radio Frequency Spectrum innovation

Explore Radio Frequency Spectrum Sharing and Spectrum Superiority related concepts through interactive experiments and programming mini-projects.
These self-paced online courses introduce fundamental concepts and recent developments related to efficient, effective use of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum in constrained, congested, and contested (complex) RF environments. Participants explore concepts in depth through interactive simulations to apply and extend knowledge gained through lectures and diverse supplemental learning resources.
In the final course, participants apply rule-based artificial intelligence as well as machine learning approaches in challenging, non-graded mini-projects. In the mini-projects you will modify provided, user-editable transmission parameter adaptation code for use in simulated RF environments. Mini-project goals include maintaining wireless link quality in fading channels and avoiding an interfering and/or higher-priority signal in a shared RF band.
Upcoming Courses
The following courses are currently available:
Course #1 (0.5 CEU) -- Fundamental Concepts in Wireless Communications (FCW)
Course #2 (0.5 CEU) -- Introduction to the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Spectrum Management (RFS)
Course #3 (0.3 CEU) -- Methods for Smart Control of Spectrum Agile Radio Frequency Systems
Course #4 (0.7 CEU) -- Controller Implementation for Spectrum Agility
See Course Descriptions for more information.
Notices & News
Online Registration now available!
Check back for these Courses in development:
- Dynamic Radio Spectrum Management
See Course Descriptions for more information.
For information about this program contact: Carl Dietrich cdietric@vt.edu