Course Descriptions

Courses include narrated slide presentations, video demonstrations using SDR testbeds, text, links to external resources, pre- and post-quizzes for each module, plus simulation exercises.
Available Courses:
Course #1 (0.5 CEU) -- Fundamental Concepts in Wireless Communications (FCW)
- High-level view of Physical layer communications including systems, channels, and signals
- Information capacity of a wireless channel and factors that limit this capacity
- Decibels and link budgets
Course #2 (0.5 CEU) -- Introduction to the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Spectrum Management (RFS)
- Frequency-domain representation of signals
- Radio resources, transmission parameters that can be changed to adapt to varying RF environments, and measures of radio link performance
- Software-defined radio (SDR)
- Spectrum Sharing, Spectrum Access Systems, and overview of the Electromagnetic Battlespace and Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare
Course #3 (0.3 CEU) -- Methods for Smart Control of Spectrum Agile Radio Frequency Systems
- Rule-based adaptation
- Machine-learning / statistical methods
- Knowledge-based artificial intelligence methods
Course #4 (0.7 CEU) -- Controller Implementation for Spectrum Agility
- Application of methods from Course #3 to control frequency-agile radio links in challenging and congested RF environments
Courses in Development:
Course #5 -- Dynamic Radio Spectrum Management
- Application of methods from Course #3 to dynamic frequency assignment in challenging and congested RF environments
For information about this program contact: Carl Dietrich